We Are All Feminists Now | Ms. Magazine

We Are All Feminists Now | Ms. Magazine

As last week’s Kavanaugh hearings erupted into a full-on opera of white male rage, a friend of mine warned men on Facebook that “today, almost all women in America are one bad conversation away from killing you.” That sentiment has been echoed by an onslaught of heartbreaking revelations of abuse—and heart-affirming calls to action from feminist activists in our newspapers, on our televisions, on social media and in the streets.

The past few weeks have been pretty hard for women—but then, so have the past few hundred years, or, what the hell, the whole of human history. But as hard as it has been, and as much as it seems as if we have changed little since the days of disbelief and disrespect for Anita Hill, I am struck by the level of outrage and organizing and analysis that have emerged from this moment.

Women, and the men who stand with us, appeared on the streets, in the courtroom and on television, armed with rage and with data. It was a nationwide display of the sort of strong and agile leadership that has characterized American politics since the post-election Women’s March movement re-ignited feminism and made clear that women, and particularly women of color, are the heart and soul of “the resistance.” Read the full post on Ms. Magazine Blog.